Awaken your Senses: Creative Yoga Flow & Intuitive Art Workshop
Next date: tba

Creativity requires energy, stillness and deep listening. Juju will guide you through an hour of movement and rest to get your creative juices flowing and space to listen to your inner muse.
Phoebe will guide us through a 40min intuitive art session where we focus on letting go and channeling our thoughts and emotions into a drawing exercise. Rather than trying to seek something picture perfect, we will learn to trust the process and let your thoughts flow through into creative freedom. We will engage with our emotions and convey them through mark making, colour, line and shapes using coloured pencils, markers and pens.
This will be a beautiful workshop to connect to our inner self, the subconscious and explore mindfulness using movement and art.
This session will be intuitive and not critiqued as we want to encourage a time to dwell within self.
No prior yoga or art experience is necessary and all materials will be provided for.
You will leave feeling rested, inspired and you will be able to take your beautiful artwork home.
Price 39€ (please see below for Urban Sports members)
Love, Juju & Phoebe
n.b. Urban Sports members are able to book this workshop also for the discounted rate of €32. We ask that you pay this amount when arriving on the workshop day.